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Complications That Can Result from A Birth Injury
Complications That Can Result from A Birth Injury
There’s no moment more exiting for parents than the birth of their child — a magical and happy moment as they welcome a new addition to their family. But childbirth is a very delicate process and sometimes it can cause injuries that will affect your baby for a lifetime.
Complications caused by negligence or lack of professional attention include:
- Childbirth Fractures: Can be caused by a delivery in awkward positions or due to birch births, where the fetus is not turned and the legs come out before the head. These injuries are not uncommon and cause pain to the newborn.
- Facial Paralysis: Is the loss of controllable muscle movement in an infants face, usually caused by pressure at the moment of delivery or by a long labor.
- Brain Damage (Hypoxia): Is caused by the infant’s lack of oxygen during long periods of time during the birth. It decreases the blood pressure, oxygen levels, and heart rate. It is the most common cause of irreversible neurological or cellular damage in newborns.
- Shoulder Dystocia: Shoulder dystocia occurs when an infant’s shoulder becomes caught on its mother’s pubic bone during a vaginal delivery. It’s a common injury and in most cases is preventable, but it can cause the clavicle bone or upper arm bone to break.
- Erb’s Palsy or Klumpke’s Palsy: Cause by an injury on the brachial plexus nerve bundle, it affects both mobility and sensation on the arms. In some case it can also cause arm weakness and even paralysis. These injuries are often a mix of birth presentation (birch birth) and improper deliver techniques.
There are many complications that can happen during childbirth, but medical professionals should be able to assist you and be aware of any possible problems and issues that arise during labor and the birth of your child.
In some cases these injuries occur from malpractice or improper methods used for the delivery. In the event the complication is a result of medical malpractice, you and your family will need representation from a Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorney.
It’s a devastating event when your newborn is injured during birth. A capable personal injury attorney from the Florida Injury Law Group will find the cause of the complication and will fight with you to receive the money you deserve to cover the costs of the injury, even though that doesn’t take the place of your new baby being scarred for life.